關於我 About Me
My dad is a project director and my mom is a teacher and a speech therapist. I have an older brother as well, he’s a physiotherapist, and the strength and condition coach for an Ice hockey team. I’m really thankful for them because they made me the person I’m now. My high school experience was hard and amazing at the same time. When I first went to The US I was only 16 years old and alone. But I made a lot of great memories and I played against the top players in America, and now some of them are in the NBA.
My transition from Latvia to Taiwan was stressful. Since I was studying in the US for my last two grades of high school, I had to arrange appointments in all three embassies. Because of the pandemic, I had to make an appointment with The embassy of the US 2 months prior to my visit. And after my visit, I was happy that finally, I can go and get my documents approved in the embassy of Taiwan. But that wasn’t the case, I had to go and get a second approval from the Latvian embassy. Fast-forwarding when I got my documents approved from all of the embassies. Taiwan announced that they’re on level 3 alert and are closing the borders and it took me extra 3 months to finally get my visa.
My first visit in Taiwan was to the government quarantine facility. But the quarantine wasn’t as hard as I imagined because all the coaches and the staff of the team were asking me how I’m doing and if everything’s ok during the days of the quarantine. They also sent me all the equipment needed so I can practice and stay in shape. They made me feel like a part of the family since day 1. And I’m truly thankful to them that they gave me the opportunity to work out and feel like a part of a family even before I met everyone in real life.
At the moment I know 4 languages and out of those ( Latvian, English, Russian, Italian ) the Latvian language is by far the hardest one that I have learned, some people say that it sounds like an Elven language. And I know for a fact that Chinese is way harder than the Latvian language and I’m eager to learn.
110UBA期望 寫於農曆年假
Es vēlos lai visiem ir laba veselība un mīlestība dzīvē un visi pilnveidojas un kļūst par labākiem cilvēkiem pirmkārt un pectam par labakiem basketbola spēlētājiem un lai neviens nekad neapstājas pilnveidoties. Mūžu dzīvo mūžu mācies.
Vēlos lai mēs šogad pierādām visiem kad esam citā kategorijā un pārāki par visām citām komandām. Un uzvarām čempionāta titulu
Priekš sevis es vēlos, lai savedu kopā veselību un spēlēju kā es zinu kad varu spēlēt un vēl labāk par to.
UBA連冠 110 Champions
This season was full of new challenges, obstacles, and injuries for me . I learned a lot on and off the court, made some new friends.
I’m super happy that we won the championship and as a team did what we have to do and sticked together.
Individually one of the worst seasons I have ever had in my life, but its all a learning process, and once I’m recovered next season is going to be a different story, but with the same ending, us winning it all.
Date | OPP | score | Type | # | NAME | MPG | PTS | FG投籃數 | 2P二分球 | 3P三分球 | FT罰球 | Rebound籃板 | AST | STL | BLK | TO | EFF | +/- | PF | CD | SCP | POT | DEF | ||||||||||
日期 | 對手 | 比分 | 性質 | 背號 | 球員 | 上場時間 | 得分 | 進球 | 投球 | % | 進球 | 投球 | % | 進球 | 投球 | % | 進球 | 投球 | % | Off攻板 | Def防板 | 總籃板 | 助攻 | 抄截 | 蓋火鍋 | 失誤 | 效率值 | 正負值 | 犯規 | 製造對手進攻犯規 | 二波得分 | 失誤後得分 | 撥球 |
# | NAME | GP | MPG | PTS | FG投籃數 | 2P二分球 | 3P三分球 | FT罰球 | Rebound籃板 | AST | STL | BLK | TO | EFF | +/- | PF | CD | SCP | POT | DEF | ||||||||||
背號 | 球員 | 出場次數 | 上場時間 | 得分 | 進球 | 投球 | % | 進球 | 投球 | % | 進球 | 投球 | % | 進球 | 投球 | % | Off攻板 | Def防板 | 總籃板 | 助攻 | 抄截 | 蓋火鍋 | 失誤 | 效率值 | 正負值 | 犯規 | 製造對手進攻犯規 | 二波得分 | 失誤後得分 | 撥球 |